Leadership style and erp adoption: an empirical analysis in the family SMEs
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ERP adoption
leadership style
family SMEs

How to Cite

Agrifoglio, R. (2009). Leadership style and erp adoption: an empirical analysis in the family SMEs. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (3). https://doi.org/10.14596/pisb.76
Received 2013-07-19
Accepted 2013-07-19
Published 2009-12-29


The purpose of this study has been to investigate the relationship between the leadershipstyle of the owner-manager and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system adoptionin the family Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).Previous research has shown that ERP systems adoption is affected by different factorssuch as resource scarcity, the lack of IS strategic planning, company size and business complexity.Others research, instead, has also shown that the individual characteristics of theowner-manager could influence the adoption of these systems. However, in literature thereis a lack of study on role of leadership style in determining ERP system adoption. Therefore,this study investigates how autocratic and democratic leadership style of owner-managerinfluence the choice of adopting ERP adoption in the family SMEs.This research has been carried out through a quantitative methodological approachbased on a direct analysis (survey field study). Particularly, a structured questionnaire hasbeen administered to a sample of 200 family SMEs in the Campania Region (Italy), whilethe data have been analyzed using the logistic regression model for binary data. Findingsupport the hypothesis
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