To what extent are heretics lifestyle entrepreneurs? Insights from tourism SMEs in remote destinations


Heretical lifestyle entrepreneurship
Lifestyle entrepreneurship
Remote tourism destinations

How to Cite

Ciasullo, M. V., Montera, R., & Pellicano, M. (2019). To what extent are heretics lifestyle entrepreneurs? Insights from tourism SMEs in remote destinations. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (2).
Received 2018-12-03
Accepted 2019-09-09
Published 2019-12-11


This paper aims to understand the motives for entrepreneurship and business conducts of lifestyle entrepreneurs who run tourism ventures in remote and disadvantage places. For this purpose, twelve case studies are conducted involving tourism SMEs located in Calabria region (Southern Italy). The study enriches the scientific debate on lifestyle entrepreneurship in tourism. In particular, the “heretical  entrepreneurship” is identified as a new type of lifestyle entrepreneurship that well suits to the destination remoteness and authentic development of unprivileged areas. Combining the theoretical and empirical research, this study proposes a framework in which the motivations for entrepreneurship and determinants of competitiveness in remote tourism destinations are considered.


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