Importanza ed elementi di criticità del marketing strategico nelle PMI
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Ferrero, G., & Fortezza, F. (2007). Importanza ed elementi di criticità del marketing strategico nelle PMI. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (2).
Received 2013-07-21
Accepted 2013-07-21
Published 2007-08-29


This study focuses on small and medium enterprises (SME) marketing approach and in particular on intelligence and strategic kind of activities. The main assumption of our analysis is that today’s competition context urges SME to strengthen their market orientation. This goal can be reached above all through a stronger awareness of target-group defining process and by carrying out appropriate product and brand positioning strategies able to bring out SME’s core competences. In order to challenge these cultural and management changes, a more specific marketing approach and more suitable marketing tools are needed. The purpose of this study, inspired by an analysis carried out on a sample of small and medium firms operating in different industries in Reggio-Emilia, Bologna and Modena areas, is to provide some suggestions to turn the partial and empirical marketing approach of many SME (the so called “marketing all’italiana”) to a more aware and structured one. In this way SME’s traditional special features, such as dynamism, creativity, quick and flexible response to competitive challenges, should become the main strengths of these firms
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